Where do you begin on a new blog?

I imagine this blog will be similar to my last attempt at blogging. The previous effort lasted for some time. The writing slowed when we started a family. The family plus work pushed blogging, even in a minimal way, to a full stop.

There were times when I wanted to post a few words, share a few links, or even write a simple review of a movie. But I didn’t put much effort into getting any of it done. If I had been able to do so, I believe doing just a little blogging would have helped me more than what I’ve been doing instead, which was browsing endless YouTube videos or reading Reddit posts.

On this go around, I may post less about my family, especially the kids. They deserve to carve out what their online identity should become if they have an online presence and understand what it means. I may post about them or what parenting challenges we’re facing. But I plan on sharing photos of them on this new site.

Let us see where this takes this new blog.